PayPal Commerce Platform (PPCP) integration consists of two main steps
To begin the onboarding process, follow these steps:
Setup -> System Setting -> Payment Processor ->
Add new Merchant Account
.Website Template Manager -> Plugins -> Checkout -> Edit
.PayPal Commerce Platform
payment type and select the Payment Processor created in the previous step.Note: Ensure that another PayPal payment type named "PayPal" is disabled before activating this integration.
The next step is to make template changes for the configuration in a new website project:
template and replace its content with the following code snippet:{literal}
<script type="text/javascript">
var loadPPCPPlugin = function() {
clientId: '{/literal}{$ppcp_client_id}{literal}',
paypalEnvironment: '{/literal}{$ppcp_environment}{literal}',
enableVenmoButton: {/literal}{$ppcp_venmo}{literal},
enablePayLaterButton: {/literal}{$ppcp_paylater}{literal},
enableCardButton: {/literal}{$ppcp_card}{literal},
paypalFragmentId: 'paypalCheckoutContainer',
if (typeof PayPalPaymentProcessorPlugin === 'undefined') {
var e = document.createElement('script')
e.src = '{/literal}{$secure_base_href}javascript/ppcp.js{literal}'
e.type = 'text/javascript'
e.addEventListener('load', loadPPCPPlugin)
} else {
<div id="payment-message"></div>
<div id="paypalCheckoutContainer" style="max-width: 100px;margin-top: 10px;"></div>
Note: Preview website project to test your new integration.
Developers can initialize the PPCP payment plugin with various options that can be overridden by passing key-value parameters. Here is the list of available options in JSON format:
"paypalEnvironment": "production",
"paypalFragmentId": "paypalCheckoutContainer",
// Buttons
"enableVenmoButton": false,
"enablePayLaterButton": false,
"enableCardButton": false,
// Button style
"buttonStyle": {
"layout": "vertical", // horizontal | vertical
"size": "responsive", // medium | large | responsive
"shape": "pill", // pill | rect
"color": "gold", // gold | blue | silver | black
"fundingicons": true, // true | false
"tagline": false // true | false
// Fragments
"checkoutFormId": "form#checkout_form",
"messageBoxId": "payment-message"
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