
This plug-in is used to define which payment methods are available on the Check Out page, if partial payments are accepted, what email templates are associated to each payment, and what the initial order statuses are. Some features to this plug-in include:

Payment Methods

The payment type settings chosen by checkout when the user places the order is dependent on which payment type is the intended payment type (the one which brings the order remaining balance to $0.00). All checked payment method types identify which types are enabled.

NOTE: Split payment on the website for credit credits is NOT supported. You can use a credit, value card or gift certificate with a credit card but not multiple credit cards.

Payment Method


Credit Card

Accept Partial Payments - If checked, an order can be submitted with a balance due. If unchecked, the balance of the order must be paid at time of order submission.

Successful Authorizations

Successful Authorization Email Confirmation Template (Required) - The email to send when a credit card successfully authorizes.

Successful Authorization Initial Order Status (Required) - Set the order to this order status when a credit card successfully authorizes.

Declined Credit Cards

Allow Placement of Twice Declined Credit Card Orders? (Optional) - If checked, when a declined credit card is used, the user has a second chance to try another card. If checkout reaches two declined cards, it will place the order.

Declined Credit Card Email Confirmation Template (Required) - The email to send when a credit card is declined.

Declined Credit Card Initial Order Status (Required) - Set the order to this order status when a credit card is declined.


Accept Partial Payments - If checked, an order can be submitted with a balance due. If unchecked, the balance of the order must be paid at time of order submission.  Typically, ideal for credit card payments only.

Email Confirmation Template (Required) - The email to send when the order is placed.

Initial Order Status (Required) - Set the order to this order status when the order is placed.

Environment (Required) - Determines which PayPal environment to use. When testing use "Sandbox". When live use "Live".

Username (Required) - PayPal API username.

Password (Required) - PayPal API password.

Account (Required) - The registered email address of the PayPal account used for receiving PayPal payments.

Certificate File (Required) - The path to the API certificate file. Example: /home/client_name/client_name_cert_key_pem.txt


Frontend Payment Integration Mode:

  • Modal
  • Redirect

Frontend Payment Integration Mode:

  • Auth and Catpure
  • Auth Only

Affirm minimum amount threshold (minimum $50):

Enable Analytics:

Enable Promotional Messaging:

Checkout Expires (In hours)


Customer Credit

Gift Certificate

On Account

Value Card

Accept Partial Payments - If checked, an order can be submitted with a balance due. If unchecked, the balance of the order must be paid at time of order submission.  Typically, ideal for credit card payments only.

Email Confirmation Template (Required) - The email to send when the order is placed.

Initial Order Status (Required) - Set the order to this order status when the order is placed.

Other Options

Allow Guest Shoppers? - Optional - If checked, the website will allow customers to not create accounts. Customers will not be able to track order history without an account.

Other Options

Additional options can be added to the checkout process for a website.



Allow Guest Shoppers

Optional - If checked, the website allows customers to shop without having to create an account. Customers cannot track order history without an account.


The Donation plug-in includes the following options:

Customers can round their order subtotal up to a whole dollar amount by donating the difference, for example: If a customer’s subtotal is $10.50, they can opt to donate $0.50 so that their subtotal is $11.00.

Ability to add any number of radio buttons that the customer could select in order to donate a pre-set amount, for example: In addition to the $0.50 roundup in the example above, there could also be radio buttons that show $1, $5, $10, etc. so the customer can easily add to subtotal.

Ability to offer a text box so that a person can donate an amount of their choosing.

When an option is selected, the subtotal changes to reflect the donation amount.

  • Allows for existence of multiple donation instances on the checkout page.

Required Fields

A multiple select box of all required fields for an order. Select the fields that are most appropriate. The typical required fields selection is:

- Billing/Shipping Address Line 1

- Billing/Shipping City

- Billing/Shipping Country

- Billing/Shipping Email Address

- Billing/Shipping First Name

- Billing/Shipping Last Name

- Billing/Shipping Primary Phone

- Billing/Shipping State

- Billing/Shipping Zip Code

Order Header Template

Required - The checkout order summary header template. Typically this would be set to: order_summary_header.

Order Item Row Template

Required - The checkout order summary order item row template. Typically this would be set to: order_summary_order_item_row.

Order Footer Template

Required - The checkout order summary footer template. Typically this would be set to: order_summary_footer.

Payment Row Template

Required - The checkout order summary payment row template. Typically this would be set to: order_summary_payment_row.

Order Summary Template

The checkout order summary template. This is essentially the holding template for the order summary. Typically this would be set to: order_summary.

Gift Certificate Row Template

Required - The checkout order summary gift certificate row template. Typically this would be set to: order_summary_gc_row.

Option to suppress the shipping address, and shipping methods, from the checkout when purchasing a Gift Certificate only from the website. When this option is activated, the shipping address and shipping methods will not display nor be required for Gift Certificate only purchases. This feature can be activated by clicking the “Hide Shipping Address for GC Order” checkbox.

Enable eWallet during checkout

Adds a select drop-down list of stored credit cards to the payment types section of the checkout.

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