Batch File Uploads and Product Imports

The Digital Download function includes the ability to perform batch file uploads to a defined storage. You can also use the Product Import to  create Digital Download products and populate the File Format records on each product.

Batch Uploads

The batch upload process involves creating a storage account with a third-party and then using the Tools functionality for the upload.




The first step to initiating the batch upload function is to create a storage location for the files with the third-party open source provider, Razuna. Once you have an account setup, go to Setup > System Settings > Channels > Website to enter the host name and Key.


Go to Setup > System Settings > Tools > Digital Asset Zip Upload to import your batch digital files.


Based on your file storage folders, select the folder you want to place the files in from the drop-down list.

  • Select Yes to have the files extracted as they are added to the storage folder.

  • Click on the Browse button to locate the zipped batch files from a local source.


The email that will receive any error logs or status after the file is uploaded. Click Submit.

Digital Product Import

The Digital Products Import is provided on the Tools > Data Import > Data Import > Digital Product Import. It allows users to create Digital Download products and populate the File Format records on each product. The import template consists of the following sections:

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