Sales Channel Manager

The Sales Channel Manager lists all of your active sales channels and identifies which brands are associated with each channel and the corresponding location hierarchy. Use the Sales Channel manager to maintain the following information:

Search Sales Channel

In the Sales Channel Manager, you can search on either a channel's label or by brand association. From the Search Results list, click on the  icon to update a channel's details.

Note: Sales Channel setups are initiated during implementation. If you want to add another channel, contact CORESense Support Services.

Update Sales Channel

Follow the steps below to update your sales channel information.




Click on the icon of the desired channel to update its details.


Update the fields provided as described below.

Sales Channel Label - The name of the channel.

Sales Channel Image URL - The directory path of image to be displayed within the Back Office that represents the channel. CORESense provides defaults.

Brand - The brand associated with that channel.

Location Hierarchy - Use the  icon to search for the appropriate hierarchy level.

Note: Location Hierarchy is set up using the Location Hieararchy Manager.


Click Update to save changes.

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