Add Club Membership

Creating the Membership for a club is what generates the membership product that the customer selects, the schedule, and duration of a specific membership.




Click on the Memberships tab link and then the Add Membership button.


Make your membership setup details as described below.

Membership Schedule: Determines what the frequency of the membership.

Shipping Method: Select the shipping method to be used for the delivery.

Shipping Fee: This fee needs to represent the total shipping cost for the membership based on the Membership Schedule (i.e., if each shipment costs $10.00 and the membership is for 12 months then the Shipping Fee would be $120.00.

Use Shipping Region Table: If this is checked you can assign specific shipping methods and fees to individual shipping regions (see below).

Bill Type: Select option that is Now = customer pays in full when purchasing membership, Per Delivery = customer is billed separately for each delivery, or Customer Selects = customer can choose to pay in full or be billed with each delivery.

Welcome Email Template: Template sent when customer purchases a membership from the club.

Credit Card Declined Email Template: Template sent when customer credit card is declined by payment processor.

Start Date: Date in which membership was created.

Valid Date: Date in which the membership is to end. If it is an ongoing program, enter a date in the far future.

Duration: The number of deliveries of the membership, i.e., a 3-month membership would have 3 versus a 12-month that would have 12 deliveries.

Club Shipment Date/Pre-order List Creation Date : Enter the numerical day you want shipments processed (1st, 15th, etc.). Multiple days per month can be added.


Click Update to save your membership settings.


Checking the Shipping Region table option displays your current list of Shipping Regions that can then be assign specific shipping method and fees. Check the box and click Update button.

For each region, the system uses the Shipping Fee and Shipping Method set according to the Ship To address on the Club Membership order. Select method, enter fees and click on the Update button.


Once the membership settings have been entered, a Merchandising link displays. This link opens up a product detail screen in a new browser tab so that you can create the membership product that a customer would select.


Within the newly created membership product, you need to enter information under General Attributes, Channels and Pricing.

 Enter the following information within the General Attributes.

Product Name: name of the Membership you created

Manufacturer: Select appropriate option from list

Style/Model Number: use your standard format

Product Type: pre-selected for you

Status: select Active

Description: this is customer facing so enter details about the membership that you want customers to view


Under the Channels tab, activate the channels for the membership. If activating a website, click into the details so that you can assign the new membership to a web category. Click Update.


Under the Pricing tab, enter the total amount of the membership. If the cost is $30.00 per month for a 3-month membership, enter the full $90.00. Click Update.


Go back to the Club Manager tab and click the Update button.


Once updated the Membership name is added. Click on the Deliveries tab link to assign products to the delivery schedule.


Enter a date range in which to assign products for the schedule and click the Search button.


Links for the scheduled deliveries display. Click on each link to assign its associated product(s).


Enter a Product ID or click on magnifying glass to search for one. Click  on Add Product.


For configurable products, select the desired configuration from the drop-down list and click Add Item.


Multiple items can be associated with a delivery by adding another product. Enter the quantity to be received for each item.

Total Qty: the value you enter in the Qty field multiplied by the number of members (customers who purchased the membership).Update as needed.

Available Qty: the current inventory for the product item.

You need to monitor the Total Qty against the Available Qty so that you always have enough product for delivery. If needed, you can click on the (add substitute) link to identify a backup product should the original item inventory be depleted.


The Order Manager posts scheduled orders based on the shipment day of the month (1st, 15th, etc.). If you want to override the delivery for a particular scheduled date, click on the Create Orders to manually send them. You might want to do this if the scheduled date fall on a weekend or holiday.

If the originating club order included a custom gift message,  the custom gift message will be populated on every subsequent order club order.


As shipments are processed, the Order Manager updates the order to paid in full or charges the credit card for the per delivery payment option.


As customers purchase a membership, it is tracked within their customer record from the Customer Manager > Club Membership tab.

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