Returned Inventory Disposition

When System Setting >OLM > Orders, "Allow Remove Inventory Disposition", is set to 'Yes'

  1. Add a Permission, "Order Manager - Removed Inventory Disposition"

    1. Only users with the permission will be able to select disposition per the following requirements.

    2. For users without the permission, removing reserved/assigned inventory from the order will use existing logic to return the inventory to its current location

    3. This permission will need to be assigned to roles by the client, not as part of the feature release.

  2. On the Order Manager >> Returns tab, when user clicks the [X] icon to unassign or unreserve inventory from the order, present user with a dialog for the quantity of inventory units being removed:

    1. Dialog will ask "What should happen to this inventory?" Options are:

      1. Return to Stock

        1. If this option is selected and client is NOT using Sublocations, then return inventory to the current warehouse

        2. Else if this option is selected and client IS using Sublocations, present user with another dialog stating, "Return Inventory to the following location".

          1. Show the current warehouse label, but do not allow the value to be modified. Warehouse: <label>

          2. Present a list of sublocations within the current warehouse in a form similar to the Transfer Builder

          3. Pre-select the current sublocation within the list, so that user can simply proceed without making changes, if desired.

          4. Provide a "Submit" button to complete the operation

            1. When clicked, if the same location was selected, then return inventory to the current location.

            2. Else, if a different location was selected, then release the inventory from the order, remove it from the current location, and create an equal number of units in the specified location.

              1. This should be a single commit, so that the released inventory is never available in the current location, but will be trackable in Inventory Transaction History

          5. Provide a "Cancel" button to abort the operation and return user to the Returns tab

      2. Delete from Inventory (Damaged)

        1. If this option is select, present user with a confirmation dialog, "This operation cannot be undone."

          1. Submit - move the inventory to Damaged

          2. Cancel - Abort the operation and return user to the Returns tab

      3. Cancel - Abort operation and return user to the Returns tab

  3. If the user clicks the “Free All Assigned Inventory” link (instead of clicking an individual [X]), uses existing logic and processes.

    1. If user needs to damage out inventory, they would need to do so SKU-by-SKU by clicking the [X] icons.

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