Duplicate an Order

Order History in the Sales Order Interface (SOI) enables you to view all previous orders attached to a customer record so you can duplicate a previous order and have it processed as a new order.




Login to the SOI and select the desired sales channel from the drop-down list.


Click on the Customer Information title bar to search for the customer record. Click on the Orders link of the matching customer record.


Under the Orders tab, all previous orders are listed according to Order Number and Creation Date.

Note:To view all orders, you might have to scroll using the blue bar on the right.


Click on an order to view the items that were ordered.


You can choose to duplicate the order using current pricing or retain the pricing used at the time of the original order.


If you have custom Ship To fields setup, check the box to have them replicated in the new order.


The system prompts you to verify the new order. Click OK.


The products are displayed in the Order Items box with the appropriate pricing so the order process moves forward into the Shipping and Payments steps.

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