Tax Exempt

This process details how to set up and manage tax exemptions from the Back Office. These tasks include:

Add Tax Exempt Certificate

Follow the steps below to add a tax exempt certificate to a customer record.




From the customer record, click on the Tax Exempt link and click Add New Certificate.


Complete all fields as appropriate to the customer.

Label = Identifier for the certificate

Certificate Number = Government issued tax exemption certificates carry a unique ID number

State = Choose issuing State from the drop-down list

Type = Choose the type: Not-for-profit or Reseller for reporting purposes

Avalara Usage Type = If using Avalara, select the corresponding type per Avalara.

Status = Active/Inactive - this can be edited at any time.

Automatic   = Set to   Y   (Yes) if certificate is to be applied to all purchases from any channel. Set to   N   (No) if the determination of tax exemption is to be made on a purchase-by-purchase basis.


Click Create Certificate and the certificate information displays in the Tax Exempt Certificates section.

Edit or Delete a Certificate

Follow the steps below to edit or delete a certificate on a customer record.




To edit the certificate, click the  icon, to remove the certificate, click the icon.


Make the necessary changes and click Update Certificate.

Important: The certificate is not removed from the CORESense database. Deleting it simply severs the relationship between the customer and the certificate.

System Settings

The various Tax Exemption Types that are available in your system are set up in the Technical Configuration data tables.




From the Setup tab, select Technical Configuration from the Managers drop-down list.


Scroll through data table list and select the Tax Exemption Types link.


From the Control Center you can add, edit, duplicate, or delete a type. You can also search for a specific type.


Enter your action and click Go to execute it.

Returns for Tax Exempt Sales

When merchandise included in a tax exempt purchase is returned, the Return Wizard recognizes the tax exempt status of the order and does not include Sales Tax in the refund amount. Sales tax can be refunded to customer's that have a tax exempt certificate associated with their customer record. Sales tax refunds are managed from within the Tax Refund tab of the order.

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