Order Life Cycle Management

All orders from all sales channels are captured and staged in a single order lifecycle management system (OLM). Orders are staged using order statuses, which enable you to track and manage the order through the various stages of its lifecycle. Upon capturing a new order, CORESense automatically sets the initial order status, which is determined by the sales channel through which the order was placed and the selected payment method.>

The Order Lifecycle Management function in the System Settings Manager addresses the following three key areas:

Orders = list of settings that manage defaults and thresholds for various order functions>

Production = list of settings that manage defaults and thresholds inventory sourcing>

Automation = list of settings that manage:




Default Invoice Message:

The default message displayed on the standard Invoice.

Logo Location:

The absolute URL of your company logo for display on the standard invoice. For example, "http://www.yourcompany.com/logo.gif".

Invoice Base Prices:

  • On - base prices are displayed on the standard Invoice for each ordered item.

  • Off – base prices are not displayed on the standard Invoice for each ordered item.

Order Affiliate Commission Default Status:

  • Approved - affiliate commissions are automatically approved for new orders.

  • Pending - affiliate commissions require manual review for approval

Loyalty Program Points Threshold:

The number of loyalty points a customer needs to accrue before receiving a reward.

Retail Rate:

The rate in which accrued loyalty points convert to dollars. e.g.  a Retail Rate of 0.05 would mean that the customer would recieve 0.05 reward points per $1 spent. 

Reward Lifetime:

The number of days after issuance that a loyalty reward is valid for use.

Issuance Delay:

The number of days between reaching the loyalty point threshold and receiving the reward.

Lowest State Sales Tax Rule:

  • Yes - use lowest tax value for states that have sales tax rules and no zip-neutral rule.

  • No - use standard state sales tax

Donation Adjustment Type:

Select an adjustment type for donation fields as identifier non-taxable item at point of purchase.

Contact your CORESense Customer Support for help in setting this up. 

Tip Adjustment Type:

Select an adjustment type to be used for tips. 

Contact your CORESense Customer Support for help in setting this up. 

Workflow Management:

Order Hold Status:

Select the order status to be used for orders that are On Hold. This >is only used by >>Workflow States >so, it prevents you from moving between workflows if the order status is in one of those statuses.>

Default Workflow State:

Select a default workflow state for new shipments. This is a customized option if you are using the Workflow Management. Contact your CORESense Implementation Consultant for help in setting this up.>

Non Compliant Order Status:

Select the default non-compliant order status to be used by the order automation scripts.

Capture Funds For Delayed Delivery Immediately>

  • Yes – controls capture of funds for delayed delivery orders on order creation.

  • No – controls do not capture funds for delayed delivery orders on order creation.

Club Credit Card Exception Status:

Select the status an order is placed into if the payment is not successfully authorized when creating club orders.

No Available Shipping Methods Order Status:

Select a status of orders if no shipping method is available either due to an invalid state / country combination or no common shared shipping methods. If you want to prevent orders from being placed without a shipping method, select the default "Choose..." option.

Worldpac Order Exception Order Status ID:

The order status that orders go into when there is a problem with the Worldpac API.

Default Orders Per Page:

Select the number of Orders Per Page displayed in the Order Manager - Search Results section.

Order Manager One Result Automatic Redirect:

  • Yes - automatically redirected into the order if only one order result exists (Order opens to Order Items screen).

  • No – no automatic redirection (you need to click on Order to open it).

Default Manual Credit Card Capture Amount:

Choose the default amount type to be pre-populated within the Capture Amount field on the Capture Transaction Page when manually capturing a credit card payment.>

  • Amount Ready to Ship

  • Authorization Amount

Allowed Price Adjustments:

Select the types of price adjustments that are allowed.

  • All

  • Discounts only

  • Surcharges only

  • None

Allow price adjustments with promotions:

  • Yes - allow price adjustments on order items with deals applied

  • No - Do not allow. 

Include Adjustment Type On Receipt:

  • Yes - Include the Adjustment Type on the reciept

  • No - Do not

Allow Combining of Loyalty Cards on POS:

Set to YES to allow customer loyalty cards to be combined at the Point of Sale.

Allow Deals On Permanent Markdowns:

If yes, deals will be applied to products with a permanent markdown.

Apply Deal Discounts to Upgrade Price:

  • Yes - discount the upgrde price, if one exists.  

  • No - Do not discount the upgrade price. 

Allow IHA Parent Customer Tax Exempt Certificates:

  • Yes - the IHA parent customer's tax exempt certificates will apply to IHA members.

Club Re-authorization Number of Attempts:

Specify the number of times the system will attempt to re-authorize a club order after a credit card decline.

Club Re-authorization Timeout Duration:

Specify the number of days that the system will wait between club credit card re-authorization.

IHA Quantity Limit Method:

Manages how quantity allocations are enforced for IHA purchases. You can specify which quantity allocation method to use:

  • If the Per Order method is selected, then quantities will be enforced only on each individual order.

  • If the Per Period method is selected, then quantities will be enforced across all IHA orders throughout the period.

Allow 'Returned Inventory Disposition':

  • Yes - User can determine disposition of returned inventory (Return to Stock, Delete from Inventory (Damaged), Cancel to abort operation and return to the Returns tab)

  • No - Default

IHA Disclaimer Text:

This is the disclaimer text that will display on payment terminals used with the Tempus Gateway when a customer makes an IHA purchase.

Automatic IHA Payment Method:

Controls whether the calculation for automatically applying an IHA payment should include just the spending limit OR the spending limit minus what is already used up in the IHA period for the customer. If per order, only the spending limit will be used. If per period, spending limit AND all In House Account orders throughout the period will be used.

Set Locked Orders To Fully Shipped Order Status?:

  • Yes - If this setting is set to yes, when an order is locked, it is placed into the fully shipped order status.

Immutable Order Statuses:

Orders in an immutable status cannot be modified from the Order Manager without the Order Manager - Edit Orders In Immutable Order Statuses permission.

Authorization on New Card:

Yes - When adding a new credit card in the Order Manager, SOI or Customer an authorization for $0.01 will be done on the credit card. 

Maximum Discount & Surcharge Percentages>

Specify the maximum discount and surcharge amount to be allowed per channel. 

Apply Settings

After you have entered all the information for the fields you want set, click on the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to apply your entries. Click on Reset to clear the fields and change your entries.




Ship From Address:

This is the address that you ship your goods from. This address is used with the CoreSense live shipping price calculation system. It is important that the format of this is:

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City, State Zip

Line 2 can be omitted if not necessary.

Group Stock and JIT POs:

Combine just-in-time and stock inventory in the PO Builder. This enables you to increase the value of a just-in-time purchase order by adding stock inventory to meet minimum vendor purchase amounts.

Large Inventory Quantity Limit:>

This setting determines whether or not to flag large quantities of added inventory.

Prevent Large Inventory Quantity:>

This setting determines whether or not to flag large quantities of added inventory.

Cost Assigned to Drop Ship Purchase Order>:

Designates the cost to use when creating a drop ship purchase order. i.e. the cost the item will be received at. 

EDI Error Email Address:>

Drop-ship ASN error notification errors will be sent to this email address. 

Allow Future Shipment Warehouse Selection>:

Allows the selection of fulfillment warehouse for future shipment items during manual fulfillment from Order Manager > Production.

Kindle Failed Download Max Retry Attempts:>:

Number of times a failed download will be retried before alerting administrator of failure

Kindle Download Failure Email Template:>

Email Template used to alert administrator of failed digital download issues.

Standard Production Time:>

The standard production time in days for an ordered item. 

Fulfillment Warehouse Rules:

Global Fulfillment Warehouse Selection Rule: Specify the fulfillment rule to use for all channels. Only applies if inventory is not reserved. 

Manual Priority - Warehouse will be based on the "priority" set on the warehouses with 0 being the highest priority. 

Closest to Consumer  - Selects the warehouse that is closest to the consumer. Requires Google map api key. 

Highest Available Inventory - Selects the warehouse with the highest available inventory. 

Fulfill kits from a single warehouse:

Yes - Will fulfill kitted products from a single warehouse. 

Ship Kits Complete:

Yes - Will require that kits will be shipped complete. i.e. not partially shipped. 


Fulfillment Warehouse Rule Selection:  Specify the fulfillment rule to use for this channel. 

Split Fulfillment Warehouse: Specify whether to use multiple warehouses or a single warehouse for split fulfillment of an order.  This prevents assigned inventory and back orders from being split across warehouses

Blacklisted Warehouses: Warehouse not available for fulfillment for this channel. 

Apply Settings

After you have entered all the information for the fields you want set, click on the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to apply your entries. Click on Reset to clear the fields and change your entries.


Credit Card Capture Automation



Enable Credit Card Capture Automation:

Credit card capture automation enables you to automatically capture previously authorized credit card payments. Authorization is not performed if the authorization amount is greater than the order due balance. Instead, the order is automatically set to the CC Exceptions order status. If the automatic capture fails, the payment status is automatically set to Voided.

If enabled, set the following system settings:>

Make Available for Capture Automation when:>

  • Order is created

  • Order is fully shipped - Authorized credit card payments are available for automated capture upon order shipment. An order is considered shipped if the order status is set to the "Fully Shipped Order Status" system setting, accessible from the Shipping > Notification system settings section.

  • Capture funds for delayed delivery on Order Creation>

Capture Automation Performed at:>

Multi-select the times to capture funds. 

Re-authorize and Capture if Capture Fails>

If checked, CORESense will attempt to reauthorize and capture the funds if the capture against the original authorization fails. 

CC Automation Exceptions:>

Orders are automatically set to this status if the automated credit card capture or re-authorization fails.

Apply Settings

After you have entered all the information for the fields you want set, click on the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to apply your entries. Click on Reset to clear the fields and change your entries.

Credit Card Reauthorization Automation>



Enable Credit Card Reauthorization Automation:

Credit card reauthorization automation enables you to automatically void and reauthorize previously authorized credit card payments that have not yet been captured after a set number of days.

If enabled, set the following system settings:

Re-authorize Payments that haven't been captured after this many days:>

As indicated, value entered is in days. 

Payments for Orders in one of the following statuses:

Voiding and reauthorization of payments will be attempted for orders in any one of the selected statuses:

Reauthorization Automation Performed at:

Multi-select the times to capture funds. 

CC Automation Exceptions:

Orders are automatically set to this status if the automated credit card re-authorization fails.

Apply Settings

After you have entered all the information for the fields you want set, click on the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to apply your entries. Click on Reset to clear the fields and change your entries.

Fraudulent Order Detection Automation



Enable Fraudulent Order Detection Automation

Check box to automatically detect orders that are potentially fraudulent.

If enabled, set the following system settings:

Automation is performed at:>

Automation can be performed on the half-hour at multiple times during the day.>

Multi-select times. >It is recommended that you select all to ensure that your captures are always current.

Order Disposition Requirements:

Order is in one of the following statuses:

Fraud detection automation will be attempted for all orders in any one of the selected statuses: 

Order is in one of the following channels:

Fraud detection automation will be attempted for all orders from any one of the selected channels:

Grand Total Fraud Detection Test:

If enabled, orders with a Grand Total higher than the Order Grand Total Threshold will fail and be placed in the 'Failed' Order status.

Shipping Method Fraud Detection Test:

If enabled, orders with one of the selected Potentially Fraudulent Shipping Methods will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status.

Grand Total and Shipping Method Fraud Detection Test:>

If enabled, orders with a Grand Total higher than the Order Grand Total Threshold AND with one of the selected Potentially Fraudulent Shipping Methods will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status.

Compare Order's States Fraud Detection Test:>

If enabled, orders where the billing state does not match the ship to state will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Check for International Billing Address:>

If enabled, orders paid for by credit with an international billing address will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Check IP Address Fraud Detection:

If enabled, orders where the bill state is not the same as the IP address of the computer used to place the order, will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status.

Use of this feature requires an account with KickFire or MaxMind.

When enabled, set the following setting:>

  • Geographic IP Service: Select MaxMind or KickFire

  1. >>If using KickFire: KickFire Geographic IP Service Key

    1. Enter Key provide by KickFire

  2. >>If using MaxMind enter following:

    1. MaxMind Insights Username

    2. >>MaxMind Insights Password

Compare Shipping and Billing Zip Codes Fraud Detection:>

If enabled, orders where the shipping and billing address zip codes don't match will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Check Shipping and Billing Zip Codes Fraud Detection:>

If enabled, orders where either shipping or billing address zip codes are listed in 'Billing and Shipping Zip Code Blacklist' >will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Blacklisted Zip Codes should be entered in te field provided in comma delimited format: e.g. 12866, 12831

Check Shipping and Billing City Fraud Detection:>

If enabled, orders where either shipping or billing address zip codes are listed in 'Billing and Shipping Zip Code Blacklist' >will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Blacklisted Zip Codes should be entered in te field provided in comma delimited format: e.g. 12866, 12831

Check Shipping and Billing State Fraud Detection:>

If enabled, orders where either shipping or billing address states are listed in 'Billing and Shipping State Blacklist' >will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Blacklisted States should be entered in te field provided in comma delimited format: e.g. New York, New Mexico

Check Shipping and Billing Name Fraud Detection:>

If enabled, orders where either shipping or billing Name are listed in 'Billing and Shipping Name' >will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. Names should include the first and last name together; for example "John Doe">

Blacklisted Names should be entered in the field provided in comma delimited format: e.g. John Doe, Joe Smith

Check Shipping and Billing Address Fraud Detection:>

If enabled, orders where either shipping or billing address are listed in 'Billing and Shipping Address Blacklist' >will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Blacklisted Addresses should be entered in the field provided in comma delimited format: e.g. 125 High Rock Avenue, 1313 Mockingbird Lane

Check Shipping and Billing Email Fraud Detection:>

If enabled, orders where either shipping or billing address emails are listed in 'Billing and Shipping Email Blacklist' >will be placed in the 'Failed' Order status. 

Blacklisted emails should be entered in te field provided in comma delimited format: e.g. sales@coresense..com, info@coresense.com

Resulting Order Statuses>

Passed: Select the Order Status for Orders that have not failed any enabled Fraud detection check. 

Failed: Select the Order Status for Orders that have failed any enabled Fraud detection check. 

Validate CCV Fraud Detection Test:>

This check happens after an order is captured in the back office. 

If enabled, orders paid for by credit card, where the payment processor returns an error of cvv mismatch,  >will be placed in the selected 'Failed' Order status. 

Validate AVS Fraud Detection Test:>

This check happens after an order is captured in the back office. 

If enabled, orders paid for by credit card, where the payment processor returns an error of avs mismatch,  >will be placed in the selected 'Failed' Order status. 

Apply Settings

After you have entered all the information for the fields you want set, click on the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to apply your entries. Click on Reset to clear the fields and change your entries.

Inventory Sourcing Automation



Enable Inventory Sourcing Automation

Check the box to automatically source order inventory.

This includes assigning and backordering stock inventory, and the adding just-in-time inventory to the Purchase Order Queue.

Automation is Performed at

Automation can be performed on the half-hour at multiple times during the day.

Multi-select the times to perform automation. It is recommended that you select all to ensure that your captures are always current.


Order Disposition Requirements:

Order Disposition specifies the criteria to be used when determining when inventory should be sourced for an order. 


Order is fully paid:

An order is considered fully paid if the balance due is $0.00.

  • An order associated to a channel that is selected will not be sourced until it is fully paid.

  • An order associated to a channel that is not >selected may be sourced before it is fully paid.>

Order shipping method is COD:

If enabled,  automatically source COD orders in the appropriate status (bypassing the fully paid requirement). Multiple Ship-to orders will consider each shipping destination and method independent, and source only COD shipping methods via this setting.

Order is in one of the following statuses:

Inventory sourcing automation will be attempted for all orders in any one of the selected statuses.

Requires Manual Review:

Orders with greater Maximum Number of Line Items OR going to one of the selected Shipping State(s) will be placed in the Requires Manual Sourcing status defined herein.

Partial Shipping

Partial Ship

The order is automatically updated to the "In Shipping" status if any inventory is assigned to the order regardless of whether other items on the order are on backorder, in the Purchase Order Queue, or in an open just-in-time or drop-ship purchase order.

Do Not Partial Ship

The order is updated to the "In Shipping" status once all inventory is assigned to the order.

Exclude Drop Ship Items

This is a system setting to control an optional workflow which allows orders to go to "In Shipping" status even if there is an outstanding drop- ship purchase order.

If you are setup with the "Do not partially ship" setting, you can choose to have drop-ship items excluded from the do not partially ship calculation. If the "Exclude Drop-Ship Items" option is checked, an order is updated to the "In Shipping" status once all stock/JIT inventory is assigned to the order, regardless of the status of drop-ship items.  Once the stock and JIT items are shipped the status moves into Awaiting Inventory (or Awaiting Drop-ship Confirmation depending on your Drop-ship status setting) until you close out the receipt of the drop-ship item(s).


Stock Fulfillment Automation

Stock fulfillment automation enables you to automatically assign inventory and create shipments. In addition, by enabling the following option, you can automatically backorder inventory that is out-of-stock.

Important: Stock fulfillment automation will first attempt to assign previously reserved inventory. If inventory is not reserved, the warehouse determined by the Fulfillment Warehouse Selection Rule system setting is used when attempting to assign or backorder inventory. In addition, automation only applies to SKUs whose Default Fulfillment Method is set to "Stock" unless inventory is previously reserved.

Identify whether to:

  • Automatically backorder out-of-stock inventory. (NOTE: If unchecked, orders go into Requires Manual Sourcing status.)

  • Automatically fulfill backorder inventory when inventory becomes   available .

Drop-ship Fulfillment Automation

Drop-ship automation enables you to automatically send drop-ship inventory to the Purchase Order Queue.

Identify whether to:

  • Source first from Stock inventory if available before going to PO Queue.

  • Source from default Vendor if no active Vendor stock is available.

Just-in-time Fulfillment Automation

Just-in-time fulfillment automation enables you to automatically send inventory to the Purchase Order Queue.

Important: Just-in-time fulfillment automation uses the SKU's Default Vendor and vendor's Default Method and Default Template when automatically adding inventory to the Purchase Order Queue. In addition, automation only applies to SKUs whose Default Fulfillment Method is set to "Just-in-time".

Identify whether to:

  • Source first from Stock inventory if available before going to PO Queue.

  • Source from default Vendor if no active Vendor stock is available.


Resulting Order Statuses:

Upon performing inventory sourcing automation, the order status is automatically updated. The following settings enable you to set resulting order statuses depending on what automation actions are performed.

Assign statuses per situation as an item works through the Order Lifecycle The sample selection in the image below depicts the common choices for each situation. Custom statuses can be added, contact your CORESense Implementation Consultant.

*Orders are not set to these statuses unless all order inventory is sourced.


Requires Manual Sourcing:

Orders are automatically set to this status if the following criteria are met:

  • A minimum of one order inventory unit is unsourced.


Inv. Automation Exceptions:>

Orders are  automatically set to this status if any exceptions are encounted during the inventory sourcing automation processes.


In Shipping:

If enabled and you partially ship, orders are automatically updated to this status if the following criteria are met:

A minimum of one warehouse-to-customer shipment exists in the "New" shipment status.

If you do not partially ship, orders are automatically updated to this status if the following criteria are met:

A minimum of one warehouse-to-customer shipment exists in the "New" shipment status.
No order inventory is currently on backorder, in the Purchase Order Queue, or in a just-in-time purchase order.

Enable Ready To Ship Credit Card Authorization

If this setting is enabled, a credit card authorization for the amount ready to ship is performed prior to placing the order into the defined In Shipping order status.

Existing payments on an order are taken into account, so if payments already exist to cover the cost of items ready to ship, no authorization is performed. Also, if payments exist to cover some of the cost of items ready to ship, an authorization is performed for the necessary amount remaining to cover the total cost of items ready to ship.

If the credit card authorization fails, it is placed into the selected Ready To Ship Credit Card Authorization Exception Status.


In Shipping (Split warehouse shipments:)

If enabled and you partially ship, orders are automatically updated to this status if the following criteria are met:

  • A minimum of two warehouse-to-customer shipment exists in the "New" shipment status and shipments originate from more than one warehouse.

If you do not partially ship, orders are automatically updated to this status if the following criteria are met:

  • A minimum of two warehouse-to-customer shipment exists in the "New" shipment status and shipments orginate from ore than one warehouse.

  • No order inventory is currently on backorder, in the Purchase Order Queue, or in a just-in-time purchase order.


Awaiting Inventory:

If enabled and you partially ship, orders are automatically updated to this status if the following criteria are met:

  • All stock or just-in-time inventory is on backorder, in the Purchase Order Queue, or in a just-in-time purchase order.

If you do not partially ship, orders are automatically updated to this status if the following criteria are met:

  • A minimum of one stock or just-in-time order inventory unit is on backorder, in the Purchase Order Queue, or in a just-in-time purchase order.

  • The order is not partially shipped. An order is considered partially shipped if the order status is set to the "Partially Shipped Order Status" system setting, accessible from the Shipping > Notification system settings section.


Gift Certificates Only*:

If  enable and an order is placed that contains one or more gift certificates and no other items, this order will be set to this status.


Club Membership Only*:

If an order is placed that contains one or more club memberships and no other items, the order will be set to this status. 


Awaiting Payment*:

Orders are automatically updated to this status if the following criteria are met:

  • The order is associated to a channel that requires full payment before sourcing (under Order Disposition Requirements).

  • The order has a balance greater than $0.00 (including any uncaptured credit card authorizations).


Invalid US Shipping Zip code

Format Exception Status

Select the order status you want assigned to any order that fails to meet the valid 5-digit zip code check.


Apply Settings

After you have entered all the information for the fields you want set, click on the Apply button at the bottom of the screen to apply your entries. Click on Reset to clear the fields and change your entries.

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