Payments Overview

Orders are paid for with one or more payments. A payment is made using a payment type (more commonly know as a payment method). Available payment types are defined in Setup>Technical Configuration>payment_types table.  Note that this table is only viewable and editable by CORESense. 

Payment Types Table

  1. Id - CORESense unique record identifier
  2. Description - Long description found in some reports and in the dBase. 
  3. Label - Label that appears in the back office. 
  4. Multiple - Always 1. 
  5. Active - Designates whether the payment type is active or not. 
  6. Back Office Active - Designates whether the payment type is active in the back office. 
  7. Refund Timing
    1. refund immediately - refund payment is made immediately when the return is completed.
    2. refund later - refund later - no refund payment is made and the return goes into a pending refund status.
  8. Authorization Required - Designates whether authorization is required for certain payment types. 
  9. Info Field Section - Optional custom field that can be sent in api calls or viewed in reports. 

Payment Types

Payment Types by Channel

CORESense gives you the option to specify the available payment types for most supported Channels. The table below shows you how to select the payment types and provides additional information related to payment settings for the channels.


How Payment Types are Enabled

Other Payment-Related Settings


In the POS Replication Manager>Terminal Settings.


CORESense Website

In the Checkout Plugin of the active Website Project. 


Note EdgeExpress Pay Page, Braintree and Affirm Merchant Accounts require an addition to the checkout page. Contact CORESense Professional Services using the Customer Portal for help.

Sales Order Interface

Allows all options available in the Payments Type table in Technical Configuration.

In Setup>System Settings>Channels>SOI:

  • Require Payment:
  • Payment Processor Behavior per Channel:
  • Allow Multiple Payment Processors:

In Setup>Payment Processors>Link Merchant Accounts with Channels: Map Merchant Account to Channel

Order Manager

Allows all options active available in the Payments Type table in Technical Configuration.



Per Settings in eBay. See Accepted payment methods

In Setup>System Settings>Channels>eBay:

  • PayPal Pending Clearance Order Status:
  • PayPal Payment Complete Order Status:
  • PayPal Payment Complete Email Template:
  • Payment Method Mappings:


CORESense's Shopify integration only works with Shopify Payments. All Payment related transactions happen in Shopify. All Payments come into CORESense with a Type of 'SPP'

In Setup>System Settings>Channels>Shopify>{shopify name]:

  • Request Payment Capture


Per setting in BigCommerce. 

CORESense's BigCommerce integration works with Braintree using miniBC or all payment related transactions can be processed through BigCommerce using the BC Payment API. 

In Setup>System Settings>Channels>BigCommerce>{bc channel name]>Payment Method Mapping

  • Link to to Default [Channel Linked] -  This will use the Merchant Account linked to the BC Commerce Channel. 
  • BC API - This will request payment capture or refund through the BigCommerce Payment API, i.e. in BigCommerce. 

In Setup>Payment Processors>Link Merchant Accounts with Channels: Map Merchant Account to Channel

  • BigCommerce integration only works with Braintree and miniBC.
    • miniBC captures the information needed to re-auth and capture for partial shipments. If you don't partial ship then you don't need miniBC. 

Receivable Types 

Payments Types must be associated with at least one Receivable Types and generally there is one receivable type for each credit card brand accepted. The recievable type specifice the Class which is used by CORESense for determining how to process the payment type. Receivable types are defined in Setup>Technical Configuration>receivable_types table.  Note that this table is only viewable and editable by CORESense. 

CORESense users will see Receivable Type and Payment Type in payment-related reports. 

Payment Types and Receivable Types

Type Definition Options


The specific method of payment.

A receivable type relates to a single payment type but a payment type can relate to multiple Receivable Types. 

For example, American Express relates to the Credit Card payment type.

  • Visa
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • Debit
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Money Order
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Customer Credit
  • Exchange
  • Affirm


A method of payment available to customers for Order Payment or Refund.

A Payment Type is related to one or more Receivable Types. Each Relievable Type has a 'Class' that controls how that payment type is processed in CORESense. 

CORESense can create custom payment types for customers. Custom payment types can only be related to a Receivable Type of 'Cash' or a custom Receivable Type with a Class of 'other' or 'cash'. 

  • Credit Card
  • Debit
  • Check
  • Money Order
  • Gift Certificate
  • Value Card
  • On Account
  • IHA/Payroll Deduction
  • Exchange
  • Cash
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Affirm

Payment Processing Tasks

The following tasks can be performed in the CORESense Back Office to manage order payments.

Credit Card Payments

Apply Non-Credit Card Payments and Credits

Add a Price Adjustment to an Order

Redeem a Gift Certificate

Remove a Gift Certificate Redemption

Redeem a Value Card

Remove a Value Card Redemption

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